Sunday, January 18, 2015

Chapter 1-Digital Blog Post # A

Technology is becoming essential in our lives. When I was growing up ipads or smartphones didn't exist. Computers were becoming popular, but not as today; we can't live without them. As I was reading throughout the chapter 1, I found out some interesting statistics. "Even 85% of 9-11 years old and just over half of 5-8 years old go online!" Maloy, et al (2013, pp. 3) This is unbelievable for me. When I had that age I didn't had a computer or access to go online don't even at school. Also,  could been the lack of my parent's income, back then we used to live in Mexico. My schools used to be old fashioned. Till these days,  I barely started using a computer regularly. In Fact, "more white students use computers and the Internet than African American and Hispanic students." Maloy, et al (2013, pp. 4).
Photo credit to nmsanchez42 on  Flickr

Technology in the classroom provides more motivation to the students to learn about any topic. For example, those smartboards are incredible. We can actually see videos, images, or students presentations. I love it. All this technology in the classroom benefits the visual-spatial- and auditory learners. Therefore, on this article, The Most Powerful Tool in the Classroom talks about a very important question I always had, "What is to become of the role of teachers? Will they become obsolete?" Well, I am glad the answer is no! The video below demonstrate how technology makes students' life easier, but will never replace teachers.

However, my goal is to be a secondary math educator. I want to make math easier using our technology. For example, on this Youtube video demonstrate how this professor has fun teaching math with our "new technology." I can't wait to use smartboards ! Also, cell phones are a good idea to teach students. Now on these days everyone has cell phones, so why not be using cell phones as learning tool?

In conclusion, "Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important." -Bill Gates


Loyola, Sarah Wike. "The Most Powerful Tool in the Classroom." The Huffington Post., 20 Oct. 2014. Web. 16 Jan. 2015.
Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc. 
"Teaching Math with Innovative Technology." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2015

1 comment:

  1. Great first blog post! :) You included and reflected upon some important points from the chapter and enhanced with visuals. Love the teacher 2020 video - very applicable! :) But, for the future, I would recommend that you embed, rather than hyperlink, any other YouTube videos (i.e., math innovative tech), as it is so much easier to just view them within the blog rather than to have to link to another page. Hyperlinks are useful for other text webpages, though.

    It sounds like you related to a couple of the topics with either experience and/or passion - both are important foundations for your own learning. When you think, then, about teaching, I know you will want to draw upon those experiences and passions, as well. Students these days generally have miniature computing devices sitting in their pockets with the smartphone - and that's today! Imagine what will be in their hands when you are a teacher. So definitely, embrace the technology and do everything you can to use it and help students use it to learn.
